My Favorite Baby Products So Far

Now that Vivian is almost a year old I wanted to do a wrap up of some of my favorite, most used baby products. These are all items that I genuinely loved and got so much use out of! All babies are incredibly different though, so just know that because they worked for us they might not be the best for you - but hopefully this can provide some good insight!


My Brest Friend Original Nursing Pillow - $46.95 on Amazon

I was originally gifted a Boppy Pillow for breastfeeding, which worked fine. However, we went to many lactation consultation appointments when Vivian was first born, and they used the My Brest Friend Pillow there. After a few sessions with the My Brest Friend I was hooked and had to order one for at home! It is so comfortable to use, and I love that it clips to your body and you can tighten it and position it in different places. Vivian is over ten months old now and we still use it for pretty much every at home nursing session!

Nursing Stool - $39.95 on Amazon

I don’t actually use this nursing stool because my mother-in-law gave me the stool that she used when she nursed David and his sister! His dad made it and I’m so happy that his mom passed it down to me. I couldn’t live without a nursing stool, and I never see it on any baby product list! It is such a lifesaver and makes breastfeeding (or even bottle feeding!) much more comfortable.

Long Sleeved Waterproof Bibs - $13.99 on Amazon

My friend turned me on to these bibs and they are incredibly useful! They protect Vivian’s clothes perfectly during messy mealtimes and are easy to rinse and wash. A very simple product but I love them! There are lots of similar styles available.


Zippadee Zip Swaddle - $42.95 on Amazon

We had the Snoo for Vivian, which we were absolutely obsessed with! We were a bit worried about her transitioning to the freedom of a crib and a sleep sack, so I did some research on a good option for babies moving from the Snoo to a crib. I found the Zippadee Zip and it was perfect for her! We kept her in it until about 10 months and then moved her to a more traditional sleep sack. I think it was the perfect middle ground!

Kyte Baby Sleep Bag 1.0 Tog - $50 from Kyte Baby

When we moved on from the Zippadee Zip we transitioned to the Kyte Baby Sleep Bags and are big fans! They are so soft, I really like the weight of the 1.0 Tog, and they seem really comfortable. Since Vivian is small I could imagine she can get a lot of use out of them too!

Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine - $69.99 on Amazon

I’m obsessed with the Hatch sound machine! I love that you can turn the volume up or down from the app - we’ve had times that we’ve had friends over and realized that we are being a bit loud downstairs, so we’ve turned the sound up slightly to help Vivian sleep better! Don’t worry, it is never over the recommended decibel level! I’m excited for features we will use in the future, like the ability for it to glow red or green based on whether the baby is able to get out of bed yet. Overall it is a great product that I’m sure we will use for years to come!

Miscellaneous Items

Mamaroo Swing - $269.99 on Amazon

I actually bought this for $80 on Facebook Marketplace and would highly recommend going that route! I’ve heard that this item is super hit or miss - some babies love it and some hate it. Vivian did not like it at first, but after a few weeks or a month or so she started to love it! It is not safe for sleep but it was a great place to put her when she was fussy or we needed to get something done. I was really sad when she outgrew it and we could no longer use it!

OXO Tot Perfect Pull Wipes Dispenser - $18.39 on Amazon

This product is so necessary - it is a weighted wipe holder that makes it so much easier to grab out one wipe at a time! You can also super easily open it, grab a wipe and close it with just one hand. We use this every time we change her diaper at home - definitely worth the money!

Ergobaby Embrace Baby Carrier - $99.99 on Amazon

When Vivian was younger we absolutely adored this carrier! It was so easy to use and so comfortable. It was a great spot to get her to take a nap, go on long walks, or just wear her around at home if I needed to get some chores or work done!

Peachly Unisex Baby Memory Book - $41.95 on Amazon

I am so happy that I have a memory book for Vivian. It is so fun to fill it out every month with her new activities and milestones, and I love having all of the pictures to look back on. This one gives you great prompts and really guides you with what you should write and what pictures to include. Vivian already likes looking back at it and seeing all of the pictures of herself!

Bibs Pacifiers - $15.99 on Amazon

I originally got the Babylist Pacifier Box, which gives you a variety of different pacifiers to try out. I highly recommend getting this! Vivian ended up loving Bibs Pacifiers and only Bibs pacifiers. She is obsessed with them!

Diaper Cream Spatula - $6.99 on Amazon

This is one of those products that you don’t actually need, but it sure does make life a lot easier!! You can use this tool to apply diaper cream so that it doesn’t get on your fingers. I keep one at home and one in Vivian’s diaper bag so I have it available at all times!

UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller - $999.999 on Amazon

I know this stroller is quite expensive and it might not be the right choice for everyone! However, we have used this stroller pretty much every day since Vivian came home from the hospital and I have nothing bad to say about it! It is such a smooth ride, seems so comfortable for Vivian, and has a huge storage space on the bottom. We used the bassinet until she was about 6 months old and we loved that it was rated for safe sleep, so we could let her sleep in it at home too. We are planning on having a second child, and this stroller easily converts to fit two kids. Plus her carseat clicks right in without an adapter needed! We absolutely adore this stroller and feel that we have gotten so much use out of it that the price has been totally worth it!

Fisher-Price 4-In-1 Sling 'N Seat Bath Tub - $44.99 on Amazon

I love this bathtub and we still use it for all of Vivian’s baths at close to a year old. I imagine we will use it quite a bit longer too! When she was younger we would fill it in her tub and then put it on the counter, which made giving her baths more comfortable for us. Now that she knows how to splash we keep it in the tub and have a little stool we sit on next to the tub. I loved the little sling for when she was a newborn, and it is really easy to reconfigure the tub as she grows. Vivian loves baths so much, and we love this tub!

Medela Quick Clean MicroSteam Bags - $13.49 on Amazon

I recommend these bags to all new parents - I love them! We mostly breastfeed Vivian but she does get occasional bottles, and when she was younger I also pumped multiple times per day. I didn’t want to get a countertop sterilizer because of counter space, but these bags are amazing. You can use each bag 20 times - just pop them in the microwave with some water and your bottle parts, pacifiers, even little toys and sanitize everything in 3 minutes!

Baby Nail File - $17.99 on Amazon

There are lots of similar products available on Amazon, but getting a baby nail file instead of clippers is so great! At over 10 months old we still file Vivian’s nails and have never even tried the clippers we have. When she was younger she really didn’t mind, and now when she gets a bit fussy we just show her videos of herself (she’s obsessed) while we file her nails!

Nanobébé Disposable Nursing Pads - $6.99 on Amazon

At first I was definitely all about the reusable nursing pads, but I found that at night they would slide around too much and I would end up leaking. These disposable nursing pads were a game changer - they stick to your bra so they don’t shift at all! I continued to use reusable pads during the day, but used these every night!

Keekaroo Peanut Changer - $139.95 on Amazon

From the time Vivian was born we have done 100% of her at home diaper changes in her room on her Keekaroo, which is on top of her dresser. I had heard many tips to change the baby on the bed, on the couch, to set up a diaper station downstairs… that just never worked for us! It is much more comfortable to change her in her room, and we have never minded going up and down the stairs. Our Keekaroo has gotten a lot of action, so I love that it wipes clean and keeps her nice and contained. It isn’t cheap, but we have absolutely gotten our money’s worth!

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