Yappy Hour: Sniff Dog Hotel

Sniff Dog Hotel is located in NW Portland, not too far from my house and my office. I've always heard about the happy hour and thought it sounded amazing- what could be better than happy hour and dogs combined??

The happy hour is every weekday from 5-7pm, perfect for people to swing by after work. Dog owners are allowed to bring their pups for free supervised play time, and there are even special nights only open to small dogs! Apparently Sniff Dog Hotel is incredibly popular as a daycare, and we found out that they have a huge wait list to get your dog in. The best part is you are able to see into the dog room and watch all of them run around and play! It's great to get some entertainment with your drinks!

Sniff offers beer, wine and a great selection of treats for patrons to enjoy while they watch the dogs play. I can't wait to spend time here with my own puppy some day soon!