End of Summer Bucket List

Even though summer is technically almost over (I know most school districts are going back to school soon!) but here in Oregon, our summers tend to be a little late. We are in the hottest days of summer, and we will hopefully maintain the nice weather through the end of September.

We've got some time left until the weather turns and Autumn arrives with full force, but it's time now to start packing in as much summer fun as possible! Below are the top items on my End of Summer Bucket List- I'm going to try to pack in as many as possible, but it might be tough! Let me know if you have anything to add in the comments :)

  1. Spend an afternoon at a swimming hole: my top picks are Opal Creek or Oneonta Gorge.

  2. Visit Sauvie's Island: I want to check out the beach and the farm stands.

  3. Go on a hike in the Gorge:

  4. Kayak along the Willammette River.

  5. Catch a concert & picnic in the park: Check out the schedule here.

  6. Finally take the Brew Barge: If not, at least a good old fashioned brew cycle.

  7. Make it to the beach: preferably on a super hot day in Portland. 

  8. Get lost at the International Rose Garden: and hopefully play tennis up there as well!

  9. Check out the animals at the Oregon Zoo.

  10. Go taste testing at Salt N' Straw.

  11. Take a trip out to McMenamins Edgefield.

  12. Day trip to Hood River and finally go paddle boarding there. 

  13. Wine tasting in the gorgeous Oregon wine country.

  14. Spend a weekend camping.

  15. Hit up a brew festival: hopefully there are some goods ones left!

  16. Rent the Bike Town bikes and explore the city.

  17. Cheer on the Hillsboro Hops at one of their home games!

  18. Go on a tasting tour of the downtown food carts: it can be done all year, but eating in the sun is always preferable!

  19. See at movie at Flicks on the Bricks

  20. Hit up the farmers market at least a few more times for the freshest ingredients. 

  21. Host an outdoor dinner party: complete with my farmers market goodies!