Friday Five: Fall Crafts

I'll admit it- I hate to see summer go. I absolutely adore the hot weather, late nights, and outdoor activities that come with summer.

However, soon I will have to admit that fall is here and embrace everything that that brings. I do love cozy sweaters, cuddling up with a blanket, and seeing all of the leaves change colors. If you can't beat it join it, so in the spirit of embracing fall, here are five beautiful home decor craft projects to make your home cozy and inviting. 

Fall Floral Wreath

I made this wreath last fall with my crafter friend Lauren, and we really just free-styled the design! We got 18 inch grapevine wreaths and a variety of fall tone fake vines and flowers, and just threaded the vines through the wreath, securing with hot glue where needed. We also added some fall berries, and finished the look off with a great big wire bow!

Cinnamon Stick Candles

One of my favorite parts about fall is getting to fill the house with candles and create a fragrant, cozy atmosphere. I use candles all year long, but when it is cold or rainy outside they just seem to work a bit better. These candles smell amazing, and are so so easy to make! Check out the DIY on the Home Stories blog. 

Herringbone Pumpkins

There are so many amazing ways to decorate pumpkins that it is hard to choose a favorite! Anything white or gold obviously gets me going, and I love the herringbone pattern on these little cuties. Read all the instructions on the Lovely Indeed blog. 

Pumpkin Spice Soap

Confession- I don't jump on the pumpkin spice trend as much as most people seem to. I don't like the lattes, I'll choose a fruit pie over pumpkin, and pumpkin spice is generally not my favorite thing about fall. I do love the scent though, and these soaps really capture the spirit and scent of fall. Make your own by checking out the Happiness is Homemade tutorial.

Pumpkin Vase Centerpiece

I love a good centerpiece, and this pumpkin vase is the ideal choice for fall. It is classy and beautiful, and each person who makes it can craft it to match their own personal decor and design sense. Get the general directions from A Pumpkin & a Princess, but don't be afraid to go crazy with your own personal touches!