Friday Five: Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dishes

As a vegetarian, Thanksgiving isn't exactly my favorite meal. My family is a very meat and potatoes family, so besides the turkey and ham tons of the side dishes have bacon or are made with chicken stock! I usually put together a meal of a few side dishes, heavy on the rolls, but I do love the family experience and still really enjoy the holiday. If you are like me, consider volunteering to bring a side and make a hearty dish that most people can take a small portion of, but you can load your plate! 

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Friday Five: Crockpot Vegetarian Soups

One of the best feelings is walking in the house after a long day and smelling an amazing meal cooking in the crockpot. You know that your dinner is ready, it is going to be delicious, and the house smells great too. Another bonus? Leftovers for days! In the fall I practically live off soup, so if I can get my favorite meal in a quick and easy way I am all for it.

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